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½Ã¿ø¼·¼·ÇÏ´Ù bittersweet


  • A: You know that girl who used to follow you around all the time?
        (³Ê Á¹Á¹ µû¶ó´Ù´Ï´ø ±× ¿©ÀÚ ¸»À̾ß.)
        I think she¡¯s got a boyfriend now.
        (³²ÀÚÄ£±¸ »ý±ä °Í °°´õ¶ó?)

    B: Yeah, I know. She was bothering me all the time,
        but now she doesn¡¯t even call me anymore. It¡¯s sort of bittersweet, though.
        (ÀÀ, ¾Ë¾Æ. ¸ÅÀÏ ±ÍÂú°Ô ÇÏ´õ´Ï ÀÌÁ¨ ÀüÈ­µµ ¾È Çϳ×. ¿ØÁö ½Ã¿ø¼·¼·ÇÑ°É?)